Our Sr. Copywriter's Best Copywriting Tip



We’ve all been assigned something we have no interest in, be it an essay at school or a project at work. If you’re anything like me, these tasks cause you to go into full zombie mode. You drag your feet. You mumble and growl. You drool an inadvisable amount.

Coincidentally, the undead pile of trash you eventually turn in causes your reader to enter a zombie state of their own. This is because — buckle up for some boldface type — your words cause readers to feel things. If you hated what you wrote, chances are they did, too.

You have a choice. Do you want to enjoy what you’re working on, or do you want to limp your way through it?

I advise you to enjoy it. There are ramifications that go beyond you.

Things that happen each time you mail in your writing

  1. Anyone who reads it feels like you wasted their time.

  2. You feel compelled to bury it, not share it. It dies unnoticed and unloved.

  3. Your reputation takes a hit.

  4. You write less. Your skill suffers.

  5. The universe gets worse by an imperceptible amount.

Things that happen each time you enjoy your writing

  1. Anyone who reads it likes it, too.

  2. You’re proud of it and you share it. It gets noticed.

  3. Your reputation grows.

  4. You write more. Your skill increases.

  5. The universe gets better by an imperceptible amount.

An ugly truth about me and a call to action for you

When I know in my bones that I’ve just written a delicious sentence, I nod with conviction. I re-read it. I tell myself how great I am.

Naturally, I don’t tell people this. That would make me insufferable. But internally, I’m proud of what I wrote. And it’s in those moments that I’m most grateful to be a writer and most eager to do more of it.

It’s okay to take pride in your writing. It’s okay to be thankful for the skills you’ve been given. It’s okay to find the fun in everything you write. Enjoying yourself is what will make you write more, and writing more makes your writing better.

Find your fun. Readers will do the same.

Heads up! This story was originally published on Medium.

Luke Trayser

Our lead copywriter, Luke builds and steers our clients’ brand voices like he was born to do it. He’ll go to his grave believing in conversational copy, no matter how technical the industry. He’s a gamer, breakfast chef and washed up athlete who is still trying his best out there.


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