If you have a strange feeling that you know the name Matsumura Fishworks, you’re not alone. The Japanese company blasted onto the global stage in the late 90s, but soon after became something of a punch line. Their marketing team approached us in late 2018 to finally sever itself from that outdated perception. And so, we got to work modernizing their visual identity.

The end result is a geometric and satisfying mark that couldn’t be more different from what came before it. It was exactly what Matsumura was hoping for, and they fell in love immediately. We “hit a Homer,” to use their words. An odd turn of phrase with incorrect capitalization of the word homer, but we’ll take it.


Matsumura wasn’t the only group to fall in love with this work.
It received a Platinum Award from Hermes Creative and Featured Logo status in LogoLounge’s Book 12.

Matsumura Awards